VS Code

Most of our team is using VS Code for an editor. VS Code has excellent TypeScript support, as well as good tools for working with Solidity.


Here are some extensions that we've found useful:

  • VS Code Solidity - for solidity code

    highlighting and linting

  • LaTeX Workshop - for compiling and previewing

    latex (used to write the paper)

  • Vim - if Vim keybindings are your thing ..

  • Prettier - Please use Prettier so that we can have beautiful, consistent Javascript without having to comment style nits on every PR. Here are the settings that we want to differ from default:

    "printWidth": 100,
    "singleQuote": true,
    "trailingComma": "all",
  • Markdown Preview Mermaid Support - for previewing Mermaid diagrams


VS Code has some excellent debugging support built in, allowing you to set breakpoints and walk through code in the editor itself.

TODO: gif + describe how to setup in-editor debugging in VS Code

Last updated